Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)

Psychological roadblocks, crippling mood disorders, oppression from historic traumas and spiritual crisis or just feeling “stuck”. Ketamine is a powerful catalyst when added to psychotherapy to help you work through these barrier to happiness and peace.  We partner with several therapists in the community who help guide you on your healing path, but feel free to discuss having us work with your current therapist.

Ketamine is now an “off-label” treatment for various chronic “treatment-resistant” mental conditions. Ketamine is a Schedule Ill medication that has long been used safely as an anesthetic and analgesic agent and is now often effective for treating depression, alcoholism, substance dependencies, PTSD, and other psychiatric diagnoses, as well as for existential, psychological, and spiritual crises and growth.

These may prove auspicious in resolving your existential problems, accelerating your psycho-spiritual growth, and leading to a profound personal transformation and optimization of your lifestyle. Such change is best facilitated within a structured, supportive psychotherapeutic milieu in connection with therapists who have a view of your issues, hopes, desires, and struggles. As a byproduct of your experience, you may feel improvement in your emotional state and a reduction in symptoms that bother you, such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic manifestations. You may well notice that you are a bit different after a ketamine experience and that difference may be liberating and allow for new mindfulness and behavior.